Honor - John Rogers Society

Tune: "Battle Hymn of the Republic."
The name of Rogers shineth high upon the scroll of fame;
"Nos nos-traque Deo" is Rogers motto that we claim;
And nearly all the Rogers have pursued a lofty aim.
The clan goes marching on!
Chorus: Glory to our grand old family,
Virile, worthy, brave and loyal!
Glory to the name of Rogers!
The clan goes marching on!
Joseph, Richard, John and James were fathers of our clan;
Posterity of Henry and Hugh Rogers never ran.
Sir Edward was quite virile, Robert was a sturdy man.
The clan goes marching on!
Our sires of Home, in England, raised their standards to the sky.
John was the martyr who would never yield but chose to die.
Robert led his Rangers with the Rogers battle cry.
The clan goes marching on!
When the good old ship Mayflower sailed across the sea,
In sixteen-twenty, Joseph came without a family;
Today his name is honored by a proud posterity.
The clan goes marching on!
When the first steamship ventured across the ocean blue
Moses Rogers was the captain of the ship and crew.
Edward served the Queen and to Her Majesty was true.
The clan goes marching on!
When danger threatened country, or a battle to be won,
Or righteous causes need defenders, or work to be done,
Brave Rogers were right there, and never did a Rogers run.
The clan goes marching on!
The Rogers Clan is mighty, with three hundred thousand strong
In seventy-six, a thousand Rogers fought to right a wrong.
Twenty towns bear Rogers names. Sure, let us sing that song —
The clan goes marching on!
The Rogers sons have courage any task or foe to face;
The Rogers girls are lovely with their beauty, charm and grace;
The Rogers leaven is a blessing to the human race.
The clan goes marching on!
(J. Montgomery Seaver, Rogers Family, 1929, p. 3.)
© John Rogers Society