Genealogy - John Rogers Society

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Here you can find information about family lines that claim a trace to the martyr John Rogers (1507-1555) from America.
The line with the strongest supporting evidence is David White Rogers (1787-1881). His second wife Martha Collins (1793-1881) is also a descendant through her Stow(e) > Stone > Rogers line.
A notable ancestor on the Stow(e) line is english historian John Stowe (1525-1605).
There are other Rogers worth shining the light upon including the Rev. Ammi Rogers (1770-1852) who claimed to be a descendant of the martyr John Rogers (yet to be proved). General George Rogers Clark (1752-1818) “Conqueror of the Old Northwest,” or “Washington of the West,” who conquered the Northwest Territory (Arthur Sinclair was its 1st Governor) and his brother Governor William Clark (1770-1838) of the Lewis and Clark Expedition were thought to be descendants, but for them there remains little to no evidence.
We hold a secondary interest in the mother of David White Rogers – Hannah Sinclair (1755-1804) and the Sinclair/St. Clair lines which traces back to Scotland and intertwines with the Rogers line there.
Some notable ancestors on the Sinclair/St. Clair line include: President Arthur Sinclair, 9th President of the United States (in Congress Assembled, 1787), Sir William Sinclair, builder of Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland (circa 1446), Prince Henry Sinclair whom many believe discovered America in 1398, and Henri de St. Clair who took part in the first Crusade and saw Jerusalem return to Christian hands in 1096.
© John Rogers Society