Founder - Arlin E. Nusbaum - John Rogers Society

The John Rogers Society was founded by Arlin E. Nusbaum who is a descendant of the Rev. John Rogers through his grandmother Bernice Rogers.
John Rogers Line
The claim of descendancy to the protomartyr John Rogers is one of limited documentation. Several well known Rogers who were presumed to be descendants are not:
Thomas Rogers (1571-1650) of Mayflower fame.
Rev. Nathaniel Rogers (1598-1655) (whose son John (1630-1684) became President of Harvard) was son of the famed Rev. John Rogers of Dedham (1570-1636), nicknamed "Roaring John Rogers" for his fiery preaching, whose father John was a shoemaker.
Rev. Ezekiel Rogers (1590-1660), came to Massachusetts with twenty families and settled in Rowley. He was the son of Rev. Richard Rogers (1550-1618), son or grandson of Richard Rogers, steward to the earls of Warwick.
- General George Rogers Clark (1752-1818), "Conqueror of the Northwest Territory" and brother Governor William Clark (1770-1838) of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, popularized by the novel From Sea to Shining Sea, yet lacking any well held family tradition or genealogical evidence so far.
Despite being unable to show lineage directly from the martyr, they are no doubt connected in some earlier generation. The Rogers' lines in any case are full of ministers who carried with them the spirit of the protomartyr and were infact spiritually descended from him.
Not Debunked
General George Rogers Clark (1752-1818)
[General George Rogers Clark>Ann Rogers>John Rogers>Giles Rogers Sr.>Captain John Rogers>Thomas Matthew Rogers>Bernard Fitz Rogers>John Rogers - Martyr]
We are seeking pro-descendency statements by those in his family line.
Reverend Ammi Rogers (1769-1852)
[Ammi Rogers>Thomas Rogers>Josiah Rogers>Noah Rogers>William Rogers>Thomas Rogers>John Rogers - Martyr]
Ammi himself like John of Boxford claimed knowledge of descendency to the martyr. As is discussed on the Rev. Ammi Rogers genealogy page, there are erroneous genealogies of Ammi, but not by him.
Revered John of Boxford, MA
The Rogers line that has not been disproven is that of our founder Arlin Ewald Nusbaum who descended through the Rev. John Rogers of Boxford, Masschusetts (1684-1755), son of Jeremiah Rogers of Leominster, Massachusetts (1652-1729), son of Jeremiah Rogers of Chelmsford, England (1631-1676).
The Rev. John Rogers of Boxford had a son John who was also a minister, of Leominster, Massachusetts, who had a son that was a doctor. All three were graduates of Harvard.
1. Rev. John Rogers, son of Jeremiah and Dorcas Rogers, b. Salem, Mass., Nov. 22, 1684, [admitted to] Harvard University, 1705, and settled over the church in Boxford, Mass., March 24, 1709. He m. Susannah Marston, b. April 29, 1687, dau. of Capt. Mauasseh Marston, of Salem. He retired from the ministry about 17—, and lived with his children in Leominster, Mass., where he d. August 17,1755. His widow d. in Salem, Oct . 22, 1757.'''
2. Rev. John Rogers, son of Rev. John 1, b. Boxford, Mass., Sept. 24, 1712; Harvard University, 1732; ordained at Leominster, Mass., Sept. 14, 1743. He was an able preacher, and his pastorate is an interesting chapter in the history of the town. He m. March 21, 1750, Relief Prentice, b. Lancaster, Mass., dau. of Rev. John and Prudence (Frost) Prentice. He d. Oct. 6, 1789. Seven children.
3. Dr. John Rogers, son of Rev. John2, b. Leominster, Mass., March 27, 1755. Harvard University, 1776; removed to Plymouth, 1781, or early in 1782. He was a well-known and respected physician and a cultured and public-spirited citizen of Plymouth. Trustee Holmes Plymouth Academy, 1808-1814. (Biography in Vol. I.) He m. Jan. 11,1782, Betsey Mulliken, b. Bradford, Mass., Nov. 10, 1760. He d. March 8, 1814. She d. Sept. 15, 1848. Eleven children. (Ezra Scollay Stearns, ''Advanced Book Search History of Plymouth, New Hampshire'', vol. II, 1906, pp. 574-575.)
Arlin has a dual descendancy through the wife of ancestor David White Rogers, Martha Collins Rogers and her Stowe>Stone>Rogers line.
More information can be found on the History page.
Annotated Bibliography of the Genealogy of John Rogers (1507-1555)
Bogus Pedigrees Claiming Descent
The Genealogical Tree of John "The Martyr" Rogers
Arlin can be reached at:
© John Rogers Society